Interview mit Núll

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NÚLL, NVLL, Ø, 0? If it already starts with the fact that you don’t even know how a band actually writes itself, there is obviously a need for conversation. A member of the Icelandic Black Metallers is available to answer our questions (anonymously) – and only with two answers in binary code!

Hi and thanks a lot for taking time for this interview! How are you doing?
01001110 01101111 00100000 01100001 01101110 01110011 01110111 01100101 01110010 01110011 00101110 00100000 01001010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110001 01110101 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 01110011 00101110
[No answers. Just questions.]

Your band is called 0 or NÚLL – which spelling do you prefer?
In the past we have gone by various aliases, including but not limited to; 0, Ø, Núll, Null and Nvll. All spellings are equally incorrect. 0 means nothing and therefore cannot have a definite answer. Nothing is preferable to anything else.
The idea of 0 was always to explore themes of futility and nothingness. Non-being . The name also makes a subtle nod to the Ain. As all came from nothing, all shall return to nothing.

The band name doesn’t make it easy to google your band or find information about you – don’t you see this as a problem for making the band better known?
If we wanted our band to be better known we probably would not be playing an obscure sub-genre of doom metal under an unpronounceable name, would we? Our motives are not to seek fame in the underground of metal. We simply have a calling to express our ideas as long as we feel the context for them is appropriate. Whether people are drawn to it or not is mostly irrelevant to us. We would still be making music without any listeners, were that the case.

Some of you, like D.G., Ö.S. and TMS, are active in several other bands – Naðra, Carpe Noctem, Örmagna, Vonlaus or the recently very successful Misþyrming. What was the incentive for you to start another band with 0?
NÚLL is technically older than all the other bands you listed, except for maybe Carpe Noctem. There is never any concrete reason to „start a new band“ except the drive to explore different ideas in a different context. I would not compare any of the bands you mentioned to Núll for example. Despite the bands sharing a few members here and there the music is written with different themes in mind through a different process and often with different authors.

What makes 0 stand out, what is special about 0 for you?
You’re asking about nothing. 0 means nothing. Null explores different ideas under a different alias. Nothing more, nothing less.

In general, Icelandic metal bands are very hip in Europe right now. Do you notice something of this increased interest, is it also an incentive to start new projects?
Scenes and trends come and go. We were here well before the „hype“ started and we will be here long after it fades away.
It is worth noting that our musical endeavors don’t resonate too much with the Icelandic people. Our „scene“ is still very much underground here. You would not expect any of our related projects to headline any major festivals locally.

Your debut „Null & Void“ was initially released only on tape.
The initial release of “Null & Void” was released through Vánagandr, a cassette label run by D.G. and TMS. Vánagandr is a front to present our different projects and other bands we associate with. We aim to have most of our projects available on tape when it feels appropriate. Eventually the album was released on CD via Pest Productions from China, but we contacted Ván for the release of our second album.

What fascinates you about the medium tape, why are there still tapes?
Cassettes are an undervalued format. There is a certain texture applied to the sound when applied onto tape which doesn’t quite compare to vinyl or compact discs. They are impermanent and deteriorate over time. An apt metaphor for the process of entropy. It fits well into our lyrical themes and does justice to the soundscapes of black metal.

Your first album was only one long track, this time there are six with rather ordinary playing times. What made you change your songwriting like this? Where do you see the advantages and disadvantages of long, but also short songs?
The length of a song has no bearing on its substance or meaning. It is not a thematic decision. It was by necessity, not by design. There is no inherent meaning hidden in the length of the songs. They are as long as they have to be to convey their emotive states.

„Null & Void“ in its entirety seemed more spontaneous than the new songs – is that true?
It depends on what you mean by spontaneous. We were younger and more impulsive back then. Both albums took quite a few years to complete, despite large segments of both being written at the same time. A huge chunk of the material dates back to 2012-2013.

The „swaying choir“ in „Reduced Beyond The Point Of Renewal“ is surprising at first. How did it come about?
Why is it surprising? It simply came naturally as a part of the songwriting process.

The cover of your new album „Entity“ doesn’t speak for itself – is it an excerpt of a larger picture, maybe from the same one as on „Null & Void“?
Not the same picture, but the same artist. There is beauty found in the seemingly empty space in the background of old engravings. The space between the lines.

Why is it the perfect cover for this album?
It is a tribute to the late Cliff Burton. RIP. This is why the bass is so high in the mix. And justice for all is a shit album.

Is 0 actually a live band, apart from the corona misery? Or do you at least plan to play shows (again) in the future?
NVLL has performed live with semi-regular intervals since 2012. Our last performance was in Estonia at the excellent Howls of Winter festival alongside a few other bands in our circle. We also have gigs here and there in Reykjavík when appropriate. We do not put much effort into seeking out live shows, but I think we can all agree that doom metal works best in a loud and oppressive, dimly lit setting, don’t you think?

What is the situation in Iceland in this respect? In Central Europe, the live industry and cultural life in general has come to a standstill …
Iceland got off better than a lot of countries in central Europe but having gigs here is still quite complicated. People have resorted to either doing no gigs at all or doing secret private gigs in underground venues.

Thank you for the interview! Stay save and healthy! Please let us do a short brainstorming in the end of this interview. What comes in your mind first reading the following terms:
Soccer-Games without fans:
True Norwegian Black Metal:
Donald Trump:
Your favorite Album at the moment
: William Basinski’s Disintegration loops and Ride the lightning (RIP Cliff)
0 in 10 Years
: Fuck off to weak doom metal.

Once again thanks for your time. The last words are yours – is there anything left you want to tell our readers?
01101110 01110101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100001 01101110 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111
01110011 01100101 01100101 01101011 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100
[Null means nothing. Seek not]


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