Nergal (Behemoth) macht sich für Recht auf Abtreibung stark

Nachdem die konservative Partei in Polen Abtreibung quasi verboten hat, kam es dort zu Demonstrationen. Über seinen Instagram-Kanal bezieht auch BEHEMOTH-Fronter Nergal klar Stellung und unterstützt die Bewegung, die sich für das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung über den eigenen Körper einsetzt:


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Yesterday in Poland, the Constitutional Tribunal ruled in favour of the Government’s proposal to ban abortion and as a result, compromised Polish women’s rights’ and removed choice from our National agenda. These feeble men and their doctrine meddling so brazenly in complex humanitarian issues that they have no understanding of and no capacity to learn. They concern themselves only with the will of god. We must seek out our new political leaders and bring forth a new generation of representation that can properly deal with modern day social, economical and humanitarian policy determined by the will of the People. The PiS have aborted choice and now it is time we abort them! ODI PROFANUM VULGUS for fuckin’ ever!!!🖕🖕🖕

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Adam Nergal Darski (@nergal69) am


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Over the last three days, protests and riots on the streets in response to the disgraceful decision to criminalise abortion in Poland. Yet, a large portion of those same protestors are complicit as they continue to respect and observe the Catholic traditions that have bound our politics to the Dark Ages. The simple answer is, we must denounce Catholicism and limit the influence of Clergy in Poland. If you send your children to Sunday school, if you baptise your children, if you marry in a church, participate in their annual celebrations and so on, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for these crimes against our people. Let us look the way of Ireland – once a country dictated by Catholicism and suddenly a secular state that has abolished many of the things Poland will soon reinstate. We move backwards as the rest of the world moves forward. Share if u dare. Share if u care.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Adam Nergal Darski (@nergal69) am

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