Slash macht Hoffnung auf neues Album von Guns N‘ Roses

In einem neuen Interview mit dem Rolling Stone sprach Slash über „Hard Skool“, einen der ersten beiden Songs, die er mit GUNS N‘ ROSES seit mehr als 25 Jahren aufgenommen hat. Dabei gab er Folgendes zu Protokoll:
„‚Hard Skool‘, in essence, was a completed song when I was first introduced to it. And Duff [McKagan, GUNS-N‘-ROSES-Bassist] and I went in and redid the bass and the guitars. It’s a simple song, so it didn’t take a hell of a lot of thought and analysis. I think it was a lot of fun just because it was part and parcel of a bunch of stuff that we were working on that was all sort of new — at least to Duff and I — so we had a good time. There’s a bunch of new stuff also coming, maybe a little bit more complex, but it’s just as much fun.“

Auf die Frage, ob das bedeutet, dass es ein neues GUNS N‘ ROSES-Album geben wird, sagte Slash: „I know we’ve got some songs and we’re releasing another one at some point soon, and there’ll be another one after that. As far as the record is concerned, that remains to be seen as far as a whole package, but I feel pretty confident that at some point down the road, there will be.“


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