Gwendydd trennen sich von Drummer

GWENDYDD haben auf ihrer Facebookseite verkündet, dass sie sich von ihrem Drummer Bambi Nikiforov getrennt haben. Weitere Gründe geben die Musiker:innen nicht an, dennoch liest sich das Statement freundschaftlich:

Dear friends,
There is no easy way to put this, so we’ll go straight ahead.
We announce that we are parting ways with our drummer Bambi Nikiforov.
Together we grew so much!
We went through so many experiences!
Difficult and easy. Good and bad. We learned a lot from each other.
We are grateful for everything we went through and accomplished together and we wish him all the best in his ventures. May he find luck and success!🍀
Gwendydd will continue its existence with full force and we hope that we’ll have the chance to share new emotions with you very soon!
Stay tuned!
Vicky, Irena, Tina & Sonya🖤

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