Sear-Bliss-Nebenprojekt gegründet

Andras von den ungarischen Black Metallern Sear Bliss hat ein neues Projekt ins Leben gerufen. Dieses hört auf den Namen ARKHE, ein erstes Album soll noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen. Die offizielle Band-Facebook-Seite findet sich hier.

Andras gibt dazu zu Protokoll:
„I’ve formed this ’band’ in order to express my diverse feelings and thoughts with the help of a wider range of instrumentation and without any musical boundaries. It’s been a while since I started writing music for a possible solo project but I was always too busy to make it real. Now the time has come to give life to this idea and I fully focus on the creation of a full lenght album.  Though several songs have already demo versions, it’s a bit early to share any sonic expressions for the time being. The album will be recorded in the summer and will hopefully be released later this year. There will be some guests too on the record and it will be produced by Viktor Scheer. The music will be quite different compared to Sear Bliss.“

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