Of Mice & Men-Fronter erneut operiert

OF MICE & MEN mussten auf Grund gesundheitlicher Probleme vor Kurzem ihre Europa-Tour absagen. Fronter Austin Carlile musste sich einer Operation an der Wirbelsäule unterziehen. Nun hat er auch eine zweite OP gut überstanden, bei der weitere Risse an der Wirbelsäule repariert wurden. Jetzt hat er sich über Instagram vom Krankenbett aus zurückgemeldet.

Second operation the fix the multiple tears/leaks in my spine was gnarly yesterday, but ultimately successful! Was even able to walk a bit today… STOKED! So i had to wear the Superstars!! xx /// (PS my phone accidentally took this photo, thought it would be fitting to post because I’m happy to be walking already! ((Dont hate the hairy chicken leg)) God is good and all your prayers are definitely working. HE is def working immensely in my life right now as well, and I’ve never felt so close to Him. Going through all this while living in the hospital the past 3 weeks has really helped me realize a lot. Keeping my eyes set on HIM to make it through, and to see what He has planned for me next, brings me so much joy! As @SelenaGomez says, „by grace through faith“ we can trust and look to HIM as our true HOPE, which the world desperately needs right now. Let your light shine, hard as it may be. „We’re not alone anymore“ XX)

Ein von Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) gepostetes Foto am

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