Cataract lösen sich auf

Die Schweizer Metal-Band CATARACT hat ihre sofortige Auflösung bekannt gegeben. Weder die bereits gebuchten Konzerte werden gespielt noch soll es eine besondere Abschiedsveranstaltung geben. Das offizielle Statement der Gruppe zu ihrem plötzlichen Ende liest sich wie folgt:

„It’s been the hardest decision all of us ever had to make. We had so many plans, but we had to face that we’re entangled in our lives and following other priorities more than we were ready to admit to ourselves. Yes, we’ve been planing stuff and jamming for our next release, we played some fantastic shows after fedi’s return and had a bunch of shows lined up, but… nothing new, nothing creative happened, for almost 2 years. We feel exhausted and dried out, both as musicians and as artists.“

„In respect to ourselves we’ve pulled the plug before the passion for this music is gone and we’re just doing it because we have to. We won’t be playing a final show, and we’re canceling the ones we’ve agreed to. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we hope you can respect our decision to end 15 years of dedication the way we feel is right.“

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Publiziert am von Manuel Förderer

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