Infernus ist „The True Gorgoroth“

Es hat eine Entscheidung im Rechtsstreit zwischen den (Ex) GORGOROTH Mitglieder Infernus und Gaahl/King gegeben. Fortan darf sich Infernus glücklicher Besitzer des Trademarks „Gorgoroth“ nennen. Das Myspace-Statement:

City District Court has today (March 10th 2009) delivered a verdict on the main question in the Gorgoroth trademark case, which took place at the end of January 2009. The court has decided that King ov Hells trademark registration # 243365 of the band name Gorgoroth is NOT valid and shall therefore be deleted.

The court states that King ov Hell and Gaahl excluded themselves from the band Gorgoroth when they tried to fire Infernus in October 2007. The court further states that Infernus cannot be excluded from Gorgoroth, unless he himself decides to quit.

Infernus is very pleased, but not surprised, by this verdict.

The remaining issues concerning financial matters and such are yet to be decided upon.

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