Malevolent Creation fallen Metallysee 2.0 zum Opfer

MALEVOLENT CREATION haben auf ihrer Myspace Seite verkündet, dass sie die geplante Tour im November leider absagen müssen. Grund hierfür ist, dass die Band weder einen Vertrag, Tickets, noch andere Informationen von der Booking Agentur bisher erhalten hat.

Die Agentur „X Factor Booking Agency“ scheint eine Neuauflage der berüchtigten Metallysee-Agentur zu sein, die schon viele Touren in den Sand gesetzt hat.

Das Statement:
„Malevolent Creation are very disappointed to announce theUnfortunate Cancellation of the DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR TOUR which was booked for November 2008 in Europe.

The situation was beyond the bands control as they never received the contracts or plane tickets they were promised by Yohan and Jenny of X Factor Booking Agency.Instead it was brought to the bands attention that the Agency was using the tour to Embezzle money from the venue deposits!

„Bands and promoters BEWARE! Do not trust this agency as they are likely to end up in Jail! „Serves them right for being such scumbags!“ „Karmas a bitch!“

The band is moving forward and looking to reschedule the tourthrough an agency with a better reputation with Vital Remainsfor early next year following a Devastatingly brutal new CD from this MALEVOLENT CREATION!!

MALEVOLENT CREATION are focusing now on writing a very Angry, Fast and Furious Opus to conquer 2009 with… „

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