Newsted zeigen Video

NEWSTED, die Band um den ehemaligen Metallica-, Voivod- und Flotsam And Jetsam-Bassisten Jason Newsted, haben ihr erstes Video fertig gestellt. Es handelt sich um den Song „Soldierhead“ von ihrer EP „Metal“, die am 8. Januar über iTunes veröffentlicht wurde. Newsted kommentierte:
„It’s just a simple thing, and I just wanted to capture the band. There is no heavy concept, no literal thing about bullets chasing your head or any of those things. It’s old-school metal and most likely will be black and white. It was shot in an old factory. It was a gnarly, dusty, old factory and it had energy. That is what I will describe it as. I haven’t got to play to the camera like that for a long time, and I was really going for it. The soldier version is something everyone will have. An HD version will be available on iTunes, but I want everyone to have it for free across the world. I want it to be the tip of the spear for everybody to see and hear what exactly it’s all about.“


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