Destruction melden sich mit Statement zur Corona-Situation

Die deutschen Thrash-Urgesteine DESTRUCTION haben in einem Statement ihre Situation in der aktuellen Corona-Situation dargelegt. Demnach wird es zunehmend schwerer, auch unter entsprechenden Sicherheitskonzepten Liveshows zu spielen, da Promoter keine Shows mehr buchen. Weltweite Touren sind auf Ende 2021 verschoben – und obwohl DESTRUCTION keine Fans von Stream-Shows sind, überlegen sie nun, eine solche umzusetzen, um wirtschaftlich zu überleben. Hier das Statement im O-Ton:

Concert update!
Dear Thrasher, Metalheads and music lovers!
As we have tried new ways to execute shows with several safe socially distance events within the last months, we wanted to update the fans on the current situation.
Due Covid 19 increasing all over Europe, the local promoters are now putting everything on ice and are not booking shows anymore. We had several offers, that now were taken back cause of the current situation. It seems Europe is running into another look-down and events are of course impossible then.
We still think it is important to try to live with the virus and be open for new formats and ways. Nevertheless, hope dies last. Whenever shows can happen again, we will be back on stage! All worldwide tours got postponed for later 2021 (North America, Latin America, Asia etc)
We had a lot of people asking us about a concert live stream , which is something that we have never been a big fan of. As we most likely are gonna have several months of silence ahead of us, the economical situation might force us to do a streaming event to survive! We are considering this now and will look into options.
To ask the fans to support this is something we never wanted, but that we might have to do, if the situation stays like this. Facing the facts, real concerts will not be possible for quite some time from now on.
We will keep you posted – thanks for the support – stay safe – UNITED WE STAND! 🤘⚡️🤘
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