Bethlehem geben Update zu Shows und Gesundheit

BETHLEHEM-Mastermind Jürgen Bartsch hatte im Januar einen dreifachen Herzinfarkt. Das gab die Band in einem Statement zur Zukunft der Band bekannt. Nun befindet er sich zwar auf dem Weg der Besserung und die Show auf dem Prophecy Fest 2023 soll stattfinden können – weitere Shows wird es 2023 aber wohl nicht geben. Weiterhin werden die Albumaufnahmen erst im Herbst fortgesetzt. Hier das Statement:

„On January 14, I suffered a triple heart attack and died twice on the way to the operating theater. It was a fairly complicated heart attack that drastically reduced my heart’s ability to pump – and made things like live performances or album production impossible for the time being. In the meantime, however, my health has improved to the extent that Bethlehem’s performance at Prophecy Fest will take place – Probably our only concert in 2023. The production of the new studio album will continue in late summer/autumn 2023, Karzov & Torturer already recorded their instruments earlier this year. Ever since Corona, we have been dogged by bad luck, but anyone familiar with Bethlehem knows that we will never give up; against all odds, we will celebrate our comeback as crazy jacks-in-the-box! Bet on it!“

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